Hexagram: The Heart Center.

A triangle named ClockWise (3) and another called Counter-ClockWise (3) combine (+) to establish stability of an opposing dyad (6).


  1. Understanding Six: A Tale of Two Triangles (D) & (Ñ).
  2. From 1 To 6: Tracing Our Path So Far.
  3. Six's Table of Numerical Archetypes.
  4. Reviewing Sierpinski: A Triangle (Ñ) Within a Triangle (D).
  5. Translation & Rotation: Positive (D) Vs. Negative (Ñ) & Clockwise (D) Vs. Counterclockwise (Ñ).
  6. The Human Heart & Heartbeat Cycles: Systolic (Ñ) & Diastolic (D) Pressure.
  7. The Human Male (D) & Female (Ñ) Genitalia.
  8. (6=7) Six Yields To Seven: Creation Continues.

Six: A New Level Of Complexity + Added Dynamic Stability.
While we continue to "build the layers of the onion" from the inside out, we must recognize that as we add complexity to our creations, we also continue to mask the inherent simplicity of all things. As our numerical manifestations increase in magnitude from 1 to 6, with each integral step they also increase in the complexity. This increased complexity is also reflected in how we USE OUR SENSES (represented by the number FIVE) to categorize and describe the complex events of our physical existence. Evidence of this complexity is given at
the end of this section where we describe how physical MATTER and MOTION can combined in seven different ways (models) to express various complex manifestations of six.

It is easy to understand how the number six represents a level of complexity over, above, and beyond that of five; however, in addition to possessing increased complexity, six also offers an increased level of stability. We have previously discussed how a quantity of 3 represents stability, and 6 is the first doubled multiple of 3 (i.e. 6=3x2). Therefore, SIX WILL YIELD A SECOND, DIFFERENT FORM OF STABILITY. We can associate the upper triad (1-2-3) on the TOL with a triangle standing on its base, and its vertex pointing upward, as shown in (a) at left. We further associate this model of the triangle with the term STATIC STABILITY because when placed on a level surface, the triangle is seen to remain static, and unmoving.

We now look at the middle triad (4-5-6) on the TOL, and we see that it points downward as shown in (b) on the left. Because this triangle is "balancing on its point", it represents a situation which is much LESS STATIC and MORE DYNAMIC. We would therefore associate our more complex triad of (4-5-6) with the term DYNAMIC STABILITY. Each of the triangles shown in (a) and (b) are "about balance". However, they each describe balance (stability) from a different Point Of View (POV). Based upon this discussion, we may wish to consider that the stability of any system can be expressed in terms of both its STATIC stability as well as its DYNAMIC stability. These "statements" of a system's stability are each represented by the form of a balanced triangle.

By introducing the concept of the dual, opposing triangles, we have set the stage for our examination of how SIX manifests throughout our universe. But now, as we did for FIVE, let's take a look back at the path of creation we have traveled thus far.

Tracing The Lightning Flash Of Creation From 1 Thru 6.
How often in life do we take time to examine the path that has lead us to where we are right now? Possibly a more important question is if we have ever taken the time to consider the path we are currently on and where it may lead us. We have already discussed the fact that we are all living lives of creation. Perhaps now it is time to examine how the creation has unfolded, and how it will continue to unfold as we proceed forward? The figure at right allows us to examine the path that has brought us here to the stability of 6, our Heart Center. Furthermore, this figure allows us to form a picture of the path ahead of us as we proceed in our acts of creation, understanding, and awareness.

The Lightning Flash of Creation is another archetype that is embedded within the universal archetype we call the Tree Of Life. The Lightning Flash gives testament to the fact that life is a process of unfolding. As we unfold our lives of creation, the paths we choose to travel are visible to others and ourselves as the record of historical occurrences. Furthermore, as we follow our path we come to understand that a large part of living life in the current moment relates to being and becoming AWARE of the path ahead of us. Therefore, we could claim that a balanced AWARENESS is crucial to the choices we make in the here-and-now moment of the present. We seek a balance between looking behind us into our past, and looking ahead of us into the future.

Spheres 1 through 5 represent the first half of our journey of understanding how creation manifests. Here at 6 we embark on the second half of this journey. We now look ahead to the things we will CREATE as we progress forward in our manifestation of THE LIGHTNING FLASH OF CREATION. We continue to focus on our goal of manifesting some object or action at 10, the physical world. But the preparation work to allow manifestation is not complete. We must first complete our tasks here at Six and then proceed onward through the experiences and archetypes of 7, 8, and 9 before manifestation will occur on the physical plane of our existence.

The Table of Numerical Archetypes of Six. (click to skip)
If you have followed along in the numerical order of creation, this portion of the page should be familiar. Below we see a table of objects and concepts that can be broken down into collections of six. Each entry is a set of six distinct elements that, when taken as a whole, define, describe or otherwise bound the title in the first column of the table entry. You will note that these tables are getting shorter and shorter in their numbers of entries as we move higher and higher in the integer numbers! Part of this is on purpose, and part of this is because I can be quite lazy at times!

The purpose of fewer and fewer entries in our tables of numerical archetypes is intended to start you thinking, analyzing, considering, and concluding ON YOUR OWN. Begin to look for the "embedded symbolism of 6" in the elements of your everyday life. How would YOU divide-up some system, or process, or object, or thought into TWO COMPLEMENTARY SETS OF TRIADIC ELEMENTS? What sort of other "triangle within triangle" systems can you discover in human history? Write to us and share with everyone the results of your thoughts, investigations, and experiences into systems of six! Your addition to this table may benefit several others who are on a quest for knowledge here at Tree-O-Life.org.

























































The Return of Sierpinski & His Triangle Of Creation.
Examine the form of the Sierpinski Triangle on the left closely, and see the "triangle within the triangle" geometry of this symbol. This simple point-and-line drawing reflects the "systems within systems" architecture of our entire universe, for here we see visual evidence of a system within a system. We can visualize the larger, outer, upward-pointing triangle (1-2-3) as a high-level system. We can further associate the smaller, inner, downward-pointing triangle (4-5-6) as a SUB-System of the larger triangle. This is an important geometric configuration for many different aspects of nature, and the essence of its importance lies with the ability of this configuration to represent a single, stable system within and contributing to the function of another stable system. The Sierpinski Triangle is a system illustration of a "stable-3" system within another "stable-3" system. The fact that one triangle points up and the other points down gives testament to the fact that an INTER-ACTIVE DYAD is present in this 6-fold, nested-system model. As you study Tree-O-Life you will learn to assign the 6 NODES of these two interacting triangles to various systems and phenomena in our universe. Doing so helps us to analyze and understand these natural phenomena and how they operate in our universe. The example that follows could be considered as a fundamental basis for he evolution of language. How language forms from these ideas is a much deeper subject that is relegated to higher levels of training on the
Tree-O-Life.Org Training Tree.

In the diagram above we attribute six words to the 6 points on Sierpinski's Triangle. These words are also listed as the first entry in our Table of Numerical Archetypes for Six. The meanings and concepts behind the words shown in this diagram are well-worth taking some time to examine. The selection & placement of these six words on the Sierpinski figure reflect some very basic truths about our physical universe of perception and action. In fact, upon further inspection and dissection of this word-diagram, we can actually build sentences from these triangles that describe some basic truths about our physical existence as individuals. There are four distinct triangles of words in our Sierpinski word-diagram. If we were to construct a sentence for each of these triangles, they might read as follows (the numbers in the brackets refer to the nodes in the numbered diagram):

[1-4-5] "I am MATTER in MOTION."
(e.g. He/She/It/ALL THINGS are MATTER in MOTION.)

[4-2-6] "MATTER describes MASS that changes over TIME."
(e.g. Our body's Mass is constantly changing, as is all Mass.)

[5-3-6] "MOTION describes a measure of SPACE per TIME."
(e.g. Motion implies Velocity = Length/Time ~ Miles/Hour)

[6-4-5] "TIME is defined by MATTER in MOTION."
(review our
TIME description on the Dyads Page.)

When you read each of these statements and consider them fully, are they not truthful? Don't these sentences describe some basic truths about who and what we are? Is it not true that they tell a story of how we experience our lives as an unfolding of objects (MATTER) moving around (MOTION) through space? Indeed, isn't our body nothing more than MATTER that has been MOVING AROUND in various different ways ever since we were born? And have we already not shown that our definition of TIME is dependent upon how we measure MATTER that is in MOTION?

But the BIG questions are: Can you see how this geometric configuration of elements is deeply ingrained into the very structure of our Being? Can you correlate these concepts of SIX to other examples of how these structures appear in our universe? Do you understand how to use this knowledge to help you in your own life of creation? Can you find other symbols and pictures in the vast array of human literature that exhibit this balance of "triad within triad?" Look around your world, and when you see any triad paired-up with another triad, consider how you might fit it onto Sierpinski's Triangle. The more you understand about how triads work in dyadic pairs to achieve balance and stability, the more you can apply these forms of balance and stability to your own life as you go about creating it! Let's look at some more examples of "3+3=6" that will help us understand the laws of universal motion used by scientists and engineers.

Translation & Rotation Define Six Degrees of Freedom!
Examine the entry in the
Table of Numerical Archetypes of Six called "Physical Degrees of Freedom". Here we see that Six describes how any body can exhibit MOTION (i.e. move through Space over a period of Time). Once again we see the Dyad of Triads "signature" in that all MOTION can be described and classified as combinations of 3 TRANSLATIONS and 3 ROTATIONS. We say that any physical body has SIX DEGREES OF FREEDOM because it is FREE to translate along any or all of three orthogonal axes (X, Y, and Z), while also being FREE to rotate about these same 3 axes. We can come to a deeper understanding that both translation and rotation can each be broken down into their own, unique sets of Six. This is because each form of translation and rotation can take on both POSITIVE and NEGATIVE relative displacements. (e.g. a translation along the "X" axis can take place in either a positive or negative direction from some reference Point Of View - POV). Translational motion is easily understood by most students; however, many students "begin to get lost" when the discussion turns to the rotational aspects of motion. So let's take a step back, and look at and think about ROTATION and how it fits-in with universal concepts of MOTION.

Three-Axes of Rotation Lead To Six Possibilities For Motion.
Rotation is another one of those concepts that we can't seem to escape, regardless of how, or at what level, we examine our universe. Planets rotate around stars, electrons rotate around atomic nuclei, and a car's tires rotate around their axles. But how, you may ask, does rotation fit in with the numerical aspects of SIX? I'm glad you asked! We have already established that three is the minimum number of points required to define a stable, flat plane. So if we now wish to consider how this newly defined plane can exhibit rotational motion, we discover that there are two different directions of rotation which this plane can exhibit about any one axis. We call them CLOCKWISE and COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. Furthermore, if we place our 3-dimensional set of coordinate axes (X-Y-Z) onto the plane, we note that two axes are "in-plane" and one axis is perpendicular to the plane. Therefore, our plane is free to rotate about a total of three different axes. Three axes, times two different directions of rotation, yields SIX distinct possibilities for rotation of the plane. To simplify our discussion of rotation from this point forward, let's just consider rotation about one axis, namely, the axis perpendicular to the plane itself. We call this "in-plane rotation", and our diagram is exhibiting in-plane rotation about the axis labeled "Z".

The diagrams at left and right illustrate our familiar upward & downward pointing triangles exhibiting the two opposing types of in-plane rotational motion: CLOCKWISE & COUNTER-CLOCKWISE. Furthermore, each diagram also illustrates that the terms CLOCKWISE and COUNTER-CLOCKWISE may each be interpreted in two different ways: The (a) portion of each diagram shows each triangle as a solid, singular element that is rotating in the direction shown. This is a distinct, physically-observable rotation. The (b) portion of each diagram illustrates how we can consider each triangle to be a combination of three elements. These three elements are in constant communication with one another along the communication channels (paths) shown. Therefore, in (b) we do not see an actual PHYSICAL rotation, but rather a VIRTUAL rotation of how information (signals, impulses) travel between the elements that compose the triad.

Rotational Questions & Considerations To Ponder:

Mammalian Heart Cycles: Intake & Outflow Of Blood.
The types of pictures we use to depict the human heart, such as the one at the left, should be evidence enough that our hearts resemble the form of the TRIANGLE. Indeed, one can see the similarity between a
downward-pointing triangle and this classic heart-shaped drawing. Even the shape of the heart in the more anatomically-correct drawing on the right still shows the same "signature" of a downward-pointing triangle. There are two distinct sides to our heart (the left and right chambers), and these two sides come together to perform a single, unifying function as the circulatory system's primary energy pump. Our heart is one of our three "primary service" triangles that keep us living, breathing, moving, and EXPERIENCING. The human heart is, therefore, a device that PERMITS HUMAN EXPERIENCE TO TAKE PLACE by contributing a major function to the systems of our total human body. Yes, the downward-pointing triangle of our heart is VERY important to our existence, because it pumps our lifeblood through us. In fact, we can symbolically represent the heart's function as a set of two opposing triangles (IMAGINE THAT!). Here's how!

You see, the heart is a system. And like all systems, it has both inputs (D) and outputs (Ñ), at various different levels of its function. In the case of mammalian hearts, the input (D) and output (Ñ) substances are both the same: blood. The function of the heart is to increase the flow energy (pressure) of that transport fluid. It acts as the primary pump to move this critical fluid through its cycle of use in the grander system we call the body. Our heart performs this pumping function in two, distinct pressure pulses. These pressure pulses show up on our EKG readings when the doctor wishes to measure our heart's performance. They are the two pressure pulses whose measure defines the upper and lower numbers of our blood pressure. These pressure pulses are called:

SYSTOLIC PRESSURE - Ñ - The larger, OUTPUT pressure stroke provided by the heart to deliver its maximum pumping power. In this pump action, the lower chambers of the heart (ventricles) contract and expel blood out of the heart, either to the lungs or to the body.

DIASTOLIC PRESSURE -D - The smaller, INPUT pressure stroke provided by the heart to take-on more blood for the next SYSTOLE. In this pump action, the ventricles relax and allow the upper chambers (the atria) to fill with "input blood" either from the body or from the lungs.

The SYSTOLIC and the DIASTOLIC pressure pulses work together, in a complementary and a (hopefully!) continuously repeating sequence that marches our blood out to all the cells of our body. These two pressure pulses, played in succession, represent the FULL CYCLE of the operation of the heart. The heart is just like any other system, and something we ought to understand and recognize about ALL systems is that they all operate in and over discrete CYCLES. We can decompose the structure and function of the heart's cycle from a systematic view of its operation, as we do in the table that follows. When we do this we see TWO SETS OF THREES interacting to fulfill the required functions of the heart and support the circulatory system. Each triad has two unique physical structures (atrium and ventricle) that cooperate to perform the single function (process) of pumping blood. Call it a functional chart of the heart.....or more simply:





Left Atrium

Right Atrium


Pump Blood (Veins-Lungs)

Pump Blood (Lungs-Arteries)


Left Ventricle

Right Ventricle

Now Consider The Following Questions About Your Heart:

0) Allowing your Head to rule your Heart at one time.

1) Allowing your Heart to rule your Head at other times.

and therein discover BALANCE in your larger life?

And Now....How About Some Food FOR (and FROM) The Heart?
Come on now!!! You all could have PREDICTED the recipes offered on this page would be about HEART-HEALTHY foods, right?
Since our heart is the engine responsible for carrying life-supporting blood to the entire body, it is important that we provide our heart with a good balance of energy. When we look at the body as a set of three triangles, as shown on our Tree-O-Life body map on the left, we see the heart in the center triad of the 9-point body. This heart triad supplies nourishment by pumping blood to both the upper triad of the head (D), as well as the lower triad of the genitals & legs (Ñ). Therefore, it should make perfect sense to us when dietary experts tell us a diet that is good for our hearts is also beneficial to the rest of our body! We can SEE this in the way our heart triad services the entire TOL that we call our body. So..... the following are just a few recipes (no, not exactly SIX!) that I enjoy & I also believe are at least somewhat "heart-healthy". Some may argue with me on my pork chop dish, but my style of cooking is not "non-fat", for sure!

- Rainman's Sweet/Hot/Sour Glaze
Similar to my
garlic butter, this ditty is really just a preparation mixture that can be stored in the 'fridge and used in several other dishes when you need that excellent sweet-n-sour-n-hot flavor. The pork chop recipe that follows below makes use of this glaze.
- Rainmom's Heart-Healthy Minestrone Soup
Let's not fool around with the healthy benefits of some VERY good Minestrone Soup! Veggies-Veggies-Veggies balanced off with Flavor-Flavor-Flavor! This one is STRAIGHT from my Ma's kitchen, so you have GOTTA KNOW that you are getting the inside scoop here!
- Simple Marinated & Grilled Asparagus
You wanna talk SIMPLE? Chop the bottoms off of a bunch of spears, throw them in a plastic ziplock bag, add the following marinade, and you WILL GRILL the best asparagus spears of your Life! If there are better (or easier) spear recipes around, I'D LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT 'EM!
- Rainman's Pork Chop Invention
I had nothing better to call it when I decided to pair my sweet/hot/sour glaze preparation with seared & browned pork chops! The invention worked well by my tastebuds...how about by yours?
EMAIL me and let me know what you think! You might be able to tell me how to improve it!

And now, we return you to our regularly scheduled web page on SIX. When we last left you, we were beating to death the analogies of INTERACTION OF TWO OPPOSING TRIADS. Well, we're not done beating it to death yet, so I hope you have found a good meal in this section before going on! The material that follows can tend to lead to activities that may require the strength and endurance that is provided by a good meal.

Male & Female Genitalia. A Duo of Interactive, Balanced Triads.
OK, now.....before we launch into this topic, let's get this straight! NO snickering, smiling, or laughing-out-loud, OK folks???
J This is not meant to be a primer on human sexuality, or anything of the sorts! We are simply pointing out the fact that the human male and female genitalia take-on the form of two opposing triangles! So let's examine the accompanying drawings as responsible boys and girls, and see what we can learn from this, OK? J (Sorry...that's the disciplinarian teacher in me! In all reality SEX SHOULD BE A FUN TOPIC!)

Here in the diagrams labeled (appropriately) (1) and (0) we see the obvious analogy of human genitalia to two diametrically opposed triangles. The woman's "gear" is in the form of a downward-pointing triangle, with the two ovaries at the top two corners. The female vagina is completely symbolic of the number Zero because it literally is an opening, or an orifice. This orifice is the focal vertex of her downward-pointing reproductive triangle. The guy's "stuff" (when properly stimulated for sexual copulation) takes the form of an upward-pointing triangle, as shown in our wonderful picture (not!) on the left. His two testicles form the triangle's base, with the erect phallus pointing upwards to complete the male reproductive triangle and provide it a focus. Finally, one also can't help but notice the obvious correlation between the penis and the number One.

Now, on one side we have the female, the orifice, the "0"; and on the other side we have the male, the phallus, the "1". This means that the sexual act (that can lead to a new creation) is actually a bringing-together of the 0 and the 1.

And Now Some Questions To Ponder On Genitals & Genetics:

(6=7) The Process Of The Heart Extending Itself In Becoming.
We have discussed above how the heart is a vessel-of-six object. The perfect balance of 3 positives
(D) and 3 negatives (Ñ) working together to reshape what IS into what WILL BE. The HEART is a balanced reservoir of SIX, and therefore it longs to grow and evolve into A VESSEL WITH SEVEN LEVELS OF ENERGY!! We will discuss those seven levels of energy in our next section; but right now, let's take a look at how SIX elements of MATTER and MOTION are capable of combining in SEVEN different ways to symbolically represent various elements of our physical (and non-physical) universe. That means it is time for another one of our dots-and-arrows diagrams:

As we did on every page that preceded this one, we point out that the above is only ONE way to represent these relationships of MATTER and MOTION. There are countless others, and you are encouraged to explore them and look for them in our physical universe. Take a look at configuration (B) and ask yourself what it might resemble or suggest to you. Do you see the elements of the face of an analog clock? We see the four quadrant points (on a clock, the 3, 6, 9 and 12 O'clock positions). We further recognize the neutral hub (0) that holds the hand(s) of the clock. And finally we see the HAND of the clock, which represents the MOTION that a clock exhibits. In fact, a clock is but one manifestation of this configuration of MATTER IN MOTION. A more general interpretation of (B) might be ANY circular gauge or dial that we use to indicate or measure a CHANGE of some sort. So now, before we jump off to explore the manifestation of our next layer of creation (Triad 7-8-9), let's pose a few questions that may prompt you to investigate the above configurations of MATTER IN MOTION.

Questions To Ponder On Six As Matter-In-Motion:

- Three-dimensional space?

- Clockwise & Counter-Clockwise rotations?

Those who have made it this far without getting confused and giving-up can, no doubt, recognize just how complex things can get as we get closer to our ultimate destination at 10. As we explained earlier, this is all part of our Creator's plan! And as we will come to learn throughout the Tree-O-Life.Org curriculum, our Creator had a VERY GOOD REASON to veil our physical universe in complexity. It all has to do with the Spiritual Journey we travel as we live out our lives...a journey filled with wonder and discovery! However, we want to encourage all of you to NOT GET DISCOURAGED BY THE COMPLEXITY! As we progress up the Tree-O-Life.Org Training Tree, we will live through various experiences that will not only teach us the beauty and purpose of this complexity, but will also help us understand how to recognize the beauty and simplicity behind anything in our lives that appears complex.

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