Law of the Dyad

Interaction of opposite forces results in change (creation).


  1. Understanding Active-Passive Dyads, or Poles.
  2. Our Eternally Growing List of Universal Dyads.
  3. Matter-in-Motion Creates Our Perception of Time.
  4. Nature's Creative Dyad: Male and Female.
  5. Bifurcation: The Link to Chaos & Systems Theories.
  6. Resolution, Relative Scale, & Differentials: Manifestations of Two.
  7. (2=3) Two Yields to Three in the Number of Ways it Manifests.

Polar Dyads Represent Universal Energy Sources.
When we studied the physical manifestations of One, we learned that the concept of Energy is a singular measure that describes the integrated nature of the three primary measures of physical existence (Mass, Space, and Time). As we expand our view from unity to the dyad, we will come to learn that the physical expression of the dyad defines a potential for energy to manifest itself in a creative (and physical) manner. Any polar dyad that you can name defines a continuum between the two dyadic extremes (e.g. Hot and Cold). These extremes are the "endpoints" within which some sort of creation can manifest itself (e.g. we create "a comfortable temperature" in a room). However, it may not be patently obvious that this is true of all dyads, which is one of the reasons that we employ examples and experience in our Tree-O-Life.Org instruction. We don't want you to simply "take our word for it." We want you to EXPERIENCE the truth of the universe for yourself. To illustrate how polar dyads are intimately linked to the continuum of universal energy, let's look at three physical examples that affect us in our daily lives.

The Battery, Magnet, & Spring are Storehouses of Energy.
We all understand that a battery stores energy in the form of electric potential. The release of this energy as electrical current energizes a circuit to power some type of electric device. For the example shown in the figure that follows, we've selected a light bulb. The light bulb is a physical creation in and of itself; however, it does not reach its full creative potential until the battery delivers its energy to the circuit. A flashlight is a common use of the battery that is used for the purpose of creating light. We could claim that a flashlight is a device that transforms energy in an electrical form into energy in the form of light.

Similar to a battery, a magnet is also a storehouse of energy. Rather than storing energy in the form of electrical potential, the magnet stores energy in the form of magnetic potential. Just as the "+" and "-" terminals of a battery represent the polarity of the electric potential, the "north" and "south" poles of a magnet represent the same potential difference (dyad) that delivers the power of the magnetic field. However, the battery and magnet differ with regard to the "rules" which must be followed to deliver the power to an application that can make use of it. While the battery requires direct connection to the application via wires (to conduct the electric current), the magnet requires the application to be immersed in the magnetic field created by the magnet. But where the battery is at a disadvantage because it requires direct connection via wires, it also has the advantage of allowing considerable space between itself and its user application. For example, a battery under the hood of an automobile can power a light bulb to illuminate the rear license plate. The magnet, on the other hand, requires that its user application be in close proximity to feel the effects of its magnetic field.

The mechanical equivalent of the battery and the magnet is the spring. The spring is a good energy storage device to examine, for while the polarity of the battery and magnet are obvious, the polarity of the spring does not have a "+" and "-" or a "N" and "S" associated with it. So what is the polar dyad which stores the energy of the spring and provides power to its application? The answer is the mechanical force! The only reason that the spring seems different from the battery and the magnet is that we usually think of a force as a singular effect. However, we must recall that Newton explained to us that "for every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction." As the spring releases its stored energy, it exerts two equal forces, but in opposite directions. Similar to the battery and magnet, the spring has certain "rules" which must be followed if its stored energy is to be used efficiently. Like the battery, the spring must make direct contact with the body or bodies that are to absorb the stored energy. However, unlike the battery, the spring also requires an additional spatial relationship to make effective use of the mechanical force. An unconfined spring, such as the one shown in Figure (A) on the left, requires that the two bodies make contact with the spring along the line of its spring action. A spring configured as shown in Figure (B) would result in a terribly inefficient, and totally ineffective, use of the spring's capacity to store energy.

The three examples discussed above are intended to illustrate how polar dyads rule the storage and dispensation of energy in our universe. These physical examples, and the limitations of each device, also show us how we select specific dyads to store and dispense the energy required for specific applications. However, the point is not to give lessons in the applications of batteries, springs, and magnets to problems of engineering. The purpose of these examples is to illustrate that any universal dyad can be employed to store and manage the energy of creation. Certainly, there are many more examples of universal dyads that can be utilized as the "batteries" of various creative processes. How many can you think of? How many do you employ in your day-to-day life?

Let's Begin a List of All the Dyads We Can Think Of.
Here is your first of many opportunities to participate in the growth of (in addition to my call for [hunger?] tasty new recipes from all around the world!) Presented below is the beginning of a table that I hope will never stop growing. Our goal is to provide a reference list of all the recognizable ways that polar opposite dyads manifest in our universe. Of course, it is ridiculous to assume that we could ever list them all, for their number is infinite, as is the universe itself. Furthermore, I cannot hope to even get close to presenting a "complete list" all by my little old self; therefore, I request your help in adding important dyads to this list. Mail me your suggestions for additions to the list, and I will update it accordingly. And don't think that we can only add to the list! The first column in this table is an attempt to quantify (in words) the nature of the dyad identified in the other two columns. I do not claim that these are the best descriptions for the given dyad, only the best one I could come up with at the time I placed them in the table. Therefore, if you think you have some words that better describe the dyad in question, by all means share your suggestion with us! In addition, we can, and should, continue to modify the order of the list. While the entries for WATER and HYDROGEN are important for understanding physical life, they would not belong at the top of the list at all times, and for all subject matter.

Finally, if lists of things such as this bore you, simply click here and you'll be transported to the rest of this page where you can continue your investigation of the Dyad! The embedded list below will not be updated regularly; however, we have separated this table into its own file, which will be kept current as elements are added. This will allow you to store bookmarks for each of the Tables of Numerical Archetypes, so you can refer to them quickly on the web. To those who are "into" studying lists, consider how some of these dyads may be playing-out in the energies manifesting around you in your current life. If you can correlate some of these dyads (or others) to your current life situation, ask yourself how you can bring this dyad into balance for the situation you are dealing with.

Polar Duality









Numerical Polarity






Relative Shade





Not Self

Monochromatic Scale



Binary Logic



Temporal Reality



Ethics & Morality



Relative Temperature



Electric Potential



Magnetic Potential

North Pole

South Pole

Human Body

Left Half

Right Half

Vertical Direction



Lateral Direction



Longitudinal Direction






Physical Presence



Stereo Audio

Left Channel

Right Channel

Human Feeling



Biblical Genesis



Star Evolution

Black Hole

White Dwarf

PC Users



Pet Preference




Motion of Matter Through Our Universe Tells Time For Us.
Matter & Motion represent a polar dyad that is very important to our perception and understanding of our physical existence. The ways we think about, and describe, how objects of matter move in and around our universe affects how we perceive the passage of time. Let's take a quick & simple look at some of the varied means we use to tell time:

As always, we explain the obvious in that these are just a few examples whose purpose is only to illustrate our point. The point here is to validate the focus that our sciences place upon analysis and understanding of both MATTER and MOTION, and how they, in turn, reflect TIME. The more we understand the interactions of these opposing elements, the easier it becomes to strike a healthy balance between them. The more we strive to achieve an appropriate balance between MATTER and MOTION, the better they serve us during our lifetimes as we pursue our living acts of creation. The directed writings and experiential seminars offered by Tree-O-Life.Org provide more in-depth instruction on the topics of MATTER and MOTION, and how we can use them, in balance, to achieve our dreams.

How We Balance Matter & Motion Determines How We Perceive & React In and Over Time.
Do you believe that it is possible to control the flow of time? Or do you believe that we are all simply subject to the passage of time, and that we have no say in the matter? Before you answer either of these questions, let's try to rephrase them in terms of what we have just learned about how we measure time. Do you believe that mankind can exert control over matter? Furthermore, do you believe that we can prescribe specific motions that we wish for matter to follow? The answers to these questions about control over matter and motion are obvious when you consider any manufactured form of transportation, such as a bicycle, an automobile, and an aircraft. Certainly, mankind possesses control over matter and motion through creations such as these. Therefore, if we can control the two elements that define time, then surely we should be able to control time itself! Still not convinced? Well, we wouldn't expect anyone to believe such a premise without at least a few examples!

Before we provide any examples, we need to resurrect the concept of Relativity that we briefly covered back on page One. Einstein showed the world that the concept of time is relative. As your velocity begins to approach the speed of light, Einstein showed us how the passage of time slows down from that which we measure here on earth. Therefore, when we discuss "controlling time", we are really talking about controlling the perception of the passage of time. Since all things and events are relative to our own POV, we must focus on our own perception of time, and not the standard measure of time that we have all agreed to for the sake of convenience. Now we are ready to examine an example of how we exercise control over time... one that many of us have likely experienced in our workaday worlds.

Recall a day on the job when you were especially busy. From the hour when you began work, to the hour when you quit and went home, you were "flat out" working and getting things done. Compare this to a day where you may have had very little work to perform. Which of these two days did you perceive to pass more quickly? Clearly, most people will attest to the fact that "time seems to fly when I am really busy." Similarly, people will often attest to how slowly time seems to pass when you have little to do at work. These perceptions form our reality, a reality that is based upon matter in motion. On those days where we are exceptionally busy, we note that the total amount of matter that we have moved (be it physical material, paperwork, or brain cells) is indeed quite high. Contrarily, on those days where we have a light workload, we do not move as much matter as on a busy day. We spend more of the workday in an idle state. Here we can clearly see that we do have a measure of control over our perception of the passage of time, simply by controlling the amount of matter and the amount of motion we put this matter through. When we keep ourselves busy, we perceive that time passes more quickly than "normal."

Another example that illustrates how the perceived passage of time depends on our POV relates to how we focus on events occurring around us. Sudden events that demand our intense focus, just to ensure our own safety and well being, are often reported to "cause time to slow down." Reports from people who have experienced earthquakes often reflect this perception...."It seemed like the earth was shaking for several minutes," when the reality of the earthquake time spans are often considerably shorter than that perceived by the person who experienced the event. Another example of this phenomenon comes from those who have lived through the rampage of a random gunman wreaking havoc in some public gathering. These people often report how "Everything seemed to slow was like I was watching the whole thing occur in slow motion."

If we were to try and assign some sort of "cause" for this effect, it would not be unrealistic to target stress itself. This explanation also serves us well in explaining the "busy workday" example. Stress tends to increase our focus on the objects (matter) that are in motion around us. Sometimes we experience great deals of stress in our relationships with those of the opposite gender, whether they are romantic or otherwise. As with all things, it is a matter of understanding alternate POVs as well as understanding the dynamic energy inherent in the prevailing dyad.

Men & Women Are Supposed To Offset & Complement Each Other!
There are few natural dyads that are more evident to us in our everyday lives than our identification of the male and female gender of the individuals in our human interactions. The so-called "gender bias" is one of the most basic distinctions or differentiations of our dyadic human sexual condition. It is unfortunate that terms with the word "bias" in them are so often labeled as "bad". Clearly, some forms of "gender bias" would be considered "good" by a majority of the people of any given culture or society. Women are usually (but need not always be) biased to being NURTURING in their natures. Alternately, men are usually (but need not always be) biased to being PROVIDERS. In a biological system where females give birth and males do not, this form of gender bias tends to "work." Of course, we feel obligated to point out that there is no absolute, universal law (physical, ethical or otherwise) that prohibits these roles from being reversed! The relative "goodness" or "badness" of either one of these "gender bias" systems is not important to how men and women live out their lives. What >is< important is the acknowledgement of the Dyad, and the commitment to its use as a container and dispenser of CREATIVE ENERGY.

Consider a society where both men and women tended to be biased towards NURTURING, with neither gender being biased towards PROVIDING. Such a society represents an unbalanced dyad, and would not be very likely to sustain its existence without some form of change. However, we must be careful to not view this as a "mandate" for one gender to do all the NURTURING and the other gender to do all the PROVIDING. It is merely an observation that a balance of these two attitudes in any family unit will tend to ensure the success of that family, simply because both the need for NURTURING and the need for PROVIDING are being met. It is similar to the concept of teamwork in any business. Not everyone can be a marketing or sales specialist who excels at talking to customers and selling the product. Someone has to "mind the store," as it were, to make sure there is a product, of sufficient quality, that the sales force can sell!

The lesson in this subsection is intended to help us focus on creating balance when we contemplate entering into a relationship with some "significant other." The sagely wisdom of "opposites attract" bears a great deal of truth, wherein "truth" is defined as "that which progresses you towards your stated goals." Honesty, openness, and unfettered communication between partners with respect to our individual strengths and weaknesses will serve us in how we select our "perfect match." Indeed, communication itself can be viewed as the energy field that envelops and connects the two poles in any dyad of human relations.

Any Theory of Systems Must Address Chaos and Bifurcation.
Plain and simple, our universe is chock full of both ORDER & CHAOS. In fact, ORDER & CHAOS represent just another line-item entry in our Table of Dyads. The mathematics of chaos theory, fractals, and, more generally, non-linear systems, have reaffirmed our knowledge that Nature is just as chaotic as She is orderly. The interplay of these two polar opposites, like all others, is what provides the fuel for the process of creation. We can all understand how the concept of order allows for predictability. The fact that objects, when released from a height above the ground, tend to falls towards the earth's surface is a manifestation of order that allows us to plan our creations. The fact that exposure to sunlight fuels the process of photosynthesis is one measure of order that allows farmers to plan the planting and harvesting of their crops. Thus, it is not very difficult to understand how order furthers our goals of creation. But how does chaos provide for creation? To the casual observer, it would seem that chaos is more responsible for destruction & disorder rather than creation. While we can remind the reader that destruction is one half of the cycle of creation (see our explanation of creative cycles in Zero), we also have a better explanation.

Where ORDER is aligned with linear, predictable phenomena, we see that CHAOS represents non-linear phenomena. Back on page One we discussed hurricanes and our human tendency to identify them by name. Hurricanes also provide good examples of how chaos and order can both manifest in a single natural phenomenon. A hurricane is an organized low-pressure disturbance, and it exhibits its orderliness in the fact that the entire storm revolves, in an orderly manner, around its eye. Likewise, it is simple to spot how chaos manifests in a hurricane, even if it is only through the identification of its destructive forces. But how does a hurricane exhibit non-linear aspects? While the destructive forces of a hurricane are chaotic, they are fairly linear. By this we mean that the destructive force of a hurricane will generally increase, in a linear manner, with the strength of the hurricane's low-pressure cell.

The non-linear (truly chaotic) aspects of a hurricane are evident in its birth, its death, and the path it traverses throughout its stormy life. We know that hurricanes develop from tropical wave phenomena, but whether these phenomena develop into full-fledged hurricanes is dependent upon several different atmospheric and oceanic factors. Moreover, meteorologists cannot identify a single parameter (such as air temperature, water temperature) which, when increased in a linear manner, will definitely give rise to an organized hurricane. The formation of a hurricane from a tropical wave appears to be "hit or miss," which is why meteorologists must continue to monitor these tropical depressions. The same can be said of the unpredictable path that a hurricane takes throughout its life. Finally, while we understand that ocean water is what fuels a hurricane to continue (which is why hurricanes will dissolve once they move over land), we do not completely understand what leads to some hurricanes "fizzling out" over the open ocean. The death of a hurricane in this manner is another example of the non-linear effects of chaos.

One of the most interesting aspects of chaotic phenomena is the tendency to bifurcate, or split into distinct groups of two. The scientists who worked to discover and define the significant aspects of Chaos term this "the period doubling route to Chaos." The connection between this period doubling and the creative aspects of the dyad, as described thus far, cannot be understated. The bifurcation of a single state, measure, or phenomenon into two equal and opposing components aligns perfectly with our concept of the polar dyad. The classic example used to demonstrate chaotic period doubling is the stability of any measure of population. For any measure of population, there exists a critical system parameter that the population depends upon for its survival. As this critical system parameter is varied, the population from one generation to the next will remain relatively steady and constant. However, there is a certain value of this critical parameter that will result in a bifurcation of the population measure from one generation to the next. The generation-to-generation population measure continually oscillates from a relatively high value (e.g. "overpopulation") to a relatively low value (e.g. "threat of extinction"). If we continue to vary the critical system parameter in the same direction that lead to the first bifurcation, we will eventually reach a bifurcation of the original bifurcation, which results in four different values of population. As we continue to increase the critical parameter, we continue to experience more and more bifurcations, until our ability to predict the population of the next generation from the population of the current generation is deemed impossible (due to chaos).

The example of stability of population is but one example of how order and chaos relate to the stability of any process. One of the directed writings which Tree-O-Life.Org offers specifically deals with the relationship between chaos and how we analyze and evaluate the stability of both natural and man-made systems. We encourage any readers who are interested in this topic, and how the Tree Of Life describes the underlying balance, to drop us a line.

The Mathematics of Scalability Relies Upon the Differential Dyad.
In the fields of science, mathematics, and engineering, we use the Greek symbol delta ("D") to represent a difference between two like measurements. We refer to a measurement of length as "DL", a measurement of mass as "DM", and a measurement of time as "DT". The concept of the delta-differential is essential to any and all measurements, for we cannot specify "open-ended" measurements. In other words, how would you specify the length of any given line if you were only given a single point on that line? With respect to measuring length, we require a "from" point and a "to" point in order to quantify the distance between them. While not as evident with mass and time as it is with length, the same principle applies in that any measurement requires a standard of measurement. When measuring length we are actually measuring distance to some point with respect to some "standard point." When we measure the mass of any object, we measure it with respect to some "standard mass." Finally, when we measure time we measure its passage with respect to some "standard time."

This concept of delta-differential from an agreed-upon standard is what gives rise to all of our various physical units of measure (microns, feet, miles, astronomical units, grams, kilograms, slugs, tons, microseconds, seconds, hours, months, epochs, etc.). Each of these units of measure represents a standard by which we measure the physical objects and events in our universe. But more importantly, they each represent a specific RESOLUTION of the physical measure in question. RESOLUTION is an important concept in helping us put Einstein's relative universe into a personal perspective. If we only had one resolution for measuring length, say the inch, can you imagine how large the numerical values would be if we had to express the distance from the earth to the sun in inches? That is one helluva lot of inches! So here we can see that the appropriate selection of resolution permits us to manage the vastness of our universe (both on a macro and a micro scale).

There are a great many lessons and correlations we can provide with respect to the concept of resolution. Indeed, Tree-O-Life.Org provides various directed writings and experiential lessons about the use of resolution in our creative lives. However, we must point out that all applications of resolution can be traced back to their roots in the archetypal Dyad. Without the Dyad, we would not be able to understand the delta-differential. And without the delta-differential we could not specify and identify resolutions that make the numerical measures of our universe manageable and more easily understood. Truly, the power of the Dyad empowers us to perceive and understand.

Is It Time for the Next Recipe Yet????
Yes, I suppose I should put off all the discussion of Dyads for a moment and focus on that gnawing feeling in the pit of your stomach! Are you hungry? How hungry? Is there some sort of RESOLUTION we might be able to assign to hunger? We could probably come up with some measure of the "delta energy" which you have expended in your activities since your last meal, right? Send me some EMAIL if you can come up with a good delta-differential measure of hunger... I'd be quite interested in what you come up with! In the meantime, how about a recipe for a simple veggie side dish? This recipe for Veggie Julienne is especially pertinent to the discussion of delta-differentials, because when I slice the veggies into julienne strips, they remind me of little DL's (measures of length). Yeah, yeah... I know... I tend to go a little bit overboard in how I tie-in my recipe to the subject of the page it is offered on. Call me a freak, and I will probably not argue with you. Just try the recipe and let me know what you think!

There are 3 Different Ways to Represent any Dyad.
Thus far, our discussion of dyads has focused on the balance of active and passive elements and how this balance represents stored energy. We represent such a balanced dyad with the symbolic pairing of "+" and "-". In addition to this single, balanced representation of the dyad, there are two additional representations we can employ to illustrate the two ways in which dyads can manifest a state of unbalance: "-" paired with "-", and the alternate pairing of "+" with "+". These two pairings represent two distinct ways in which a balanced dyad can manifest an imbalance.

As with everything we teach here at Tree-O-Life.Org, there are always examples and alternate ways to envision the concepts we teach. The diagram above attempts to relate the three different types of dyad pairings to a few of the dyads from the list presented earlier on this page. What we need to understand is that there are no "universal laws" which prohibit the use or manifestation of either of the two unbalanced forms of the dyad. Indeed, if we are involved in a process wherein we seek to restore some form of balance, applying one of the two unbalanced dyads to the existing situation will be necessary to return the situation to one of balance. Clearly, selecting the "proper" unbalanced dyad is the key to restoring balance and avoiding a situation of even greater unbalance. This process of selection (or choice between opposing forces) is the focus of the third, neutralizing element which we discuss in the next section.

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