The 4 Worlds

Stability (3) combined with (+) a creative Will (1)
results in (=) new manifestation (4).



























  1. Understanding Quadrature Manifestation.
  2. A Compendium of Universal Fours.
  3. The Four Layers of Being (The Self).
  4. The Four Personality Types.
  5. Physical Sciences: The 4 Universal Forces.
  6. The Four Elements of Mythic & Mystic Lore.
  7. (4=5) Transforming Manifestation Through Action.

All the "Rules" (& the Landscape) Changes at Four.
We have jumped beyond the stability of the trinity. The archetype behind the number four represents an entirely new form, with increased complexity over all of the numbers that came before. With 4 we begin a new cycle of creation, which was made possible by the prior balanced interaction of the Triad of Elements. In essence, the stable interaction of any trinity MANIFESTS A NEW CREATION that we call FOUR. THREE "gives birth" to a new, FOUR-WAY manifestation of Being. The increased complexity offered by the new manifestation of FOUR gives birth to its own richness in how we describe our universe. We can express our ideas about our universe in much greater detail here at 4 than we could back at 3. We will come to see how the concept of FOUR LEVELS, FOUR LAYERS, and FOUR QUADRANTS runs across ALL cultures, and ALL languages, across ALL periods of our historical technology.

Because FOUR represents a new level of creation, the web pages from here forward will become more and more brief in our discussions in each section. Instead, we will begin to focus more on the CORRELATION OF LIKE NUMERICAL IDEAS across varying cultural, political, and historical boundaries. Rather than spend lots of time providing detail about each different manifestation of a numerical archetype, we will simply draw some relevant comparisons, ask you some questions about this correlation that you may wish to consider, and then move on. You can then consider this information in your own due time. If you seek further detail on the correlation we point out, you can research them yourself or you can come to us. The very detail that you seek forms the substance of our TREE-O-LIFE.ORG directed writings and seminars. On these web pages we introduce the Tree Of Life and its universal correlation. In our writings and seminars we teach you the details and how to apply them to the Tree of your Life.

As we change our approach in the following pages to focus more on correlation and comparison, you will come to see the value of our Tables of the Numerical Archetypes. These tables will be updated, moved to their own files for ease of download, and will always remain FREE on this web site. This is part of the TREE-O-LIFE.ORG service to humankind. Furthermore, we heartily encourage you to submit your own additions/suggestions to ANY of these tables, for this serves the purpose of storing universal knowledge and evolving that knowledge as we ourselves evolve. Therefore, without further adieu, on to the Table of Fours. 

Our Next Table of Numerical Archetypes: 4 (Quadrature)
Click here to jump past the table and keep reading. (Or you can jump to the updated, standalone Table of Quadratic Archetypes) Otherwise, begin to study the cross-category similarities of each of the four primary columns in the table. Do you BELIEVE that all the elements in a single column represent the same archetypal "thing"? When you come to see these, and all other manifestations of FOUR, as one-and-the-same thing, then you begin to understand, sense, and intuit the natural architecture of the universe. You see that, in some way or another, ALL human experiences can be classified in categories of FOUR (as well as THREE, TWO, and ONE...all referenced back to ZERO). By all means study and enjoy the Table of Four...and please contribute your own wisdom and knowledge to share with others!

Compass Points





Horizontal Plane





Vertical Plane





Body Extremities





Forms of Matter





Ancient Elements





Physical Forces





Qabalistic Worlds





Elements of Self


(Conscious) MIND



Personality Types





Algebraic Variability & Dependence

+ X (Incr. Independent Variable)

- X (Decr. Independent Variable)

+ Y (Incr. Dependent Variable)

- Y (Decr.

Human Heart





Four-Stroke Engine





Annual Seasons





Daily Sun Stations





Primary Amino Acids of DNA





Elements of Life






The Four Layers of Physical & Non-Physical Being (Self).
In the drawing at the left we see a correlation between the four levels of the TOL and the four distinct levels of our combined physical and non-physical selves. This diagram illustrates how the non-physical parts of our being can be divided into a balanced trinity of triad cognitive elements: Spirit, Soul, and (Conscious) Mind. For sake of convenience, let us refer to these three non-physical pieces of ourselves collectively as "THE MIND", which is in direct opposition to the fourth element, "THE BODY". We could call this MIND/BODY combination a "3+1 collection" of the four levels of our Being. Whether any of us realize it or not, we all live on all four of these levels simultaneously and collectively. While our nature as physical beings tends to keep us "stuck" down at the physical level, our goal in our physical life should be to climb the three levels of awareness that lie above our plane of physical experience. We are all on this journey "up the Tree" from the time we are born as little, helpless, "unknowing" physical bodies. We all seek to climb the "Tree of Awareness" to know ourselves better, and to commune with the Being that created us. Here at TREE-O-LIFE.ORG, we teach you complementary tools of analysis and synthesis that will help you on your own journey as you climb your own Tree Of Awareness.

The diagram we have given you in this section can be used as a tool for analyzing your universe. Once you come to know and understand that you have all four of these levels within you, you can use these four levels as an analysis tool for understanding yourself, others, and the very nature of the balance of our physical and spiritual existence. Examine (in the Table of Fours above) the correlation between the Four Elements of Self and the Four Qabalistic Worlds. These two entries are listed together to help you easily consider the correlation between our own Spirits and the World of Emanation. Consider the correlation between our physical BODY and the Qabalistic World of Action. Examine the link between our Conscious MIND and the World of Creation. Can you see the truth in the correlation between our SOUL and the World of Formation? TREE-O-LIFE.ORG is dedicated to teaching people about these types of systemic correlations, and how to make them work for you in your OWN Worlds of Emanation, Formation, Creation, and Action! Future offerings of directed writings in science will address this 4-layer model with regard to how our physical universe (level #4) operates. In fact, some of the theoretical physics junkies might want to tune-in to one of these writings that will propose An Architecture to Support a Grand Unified Theory.

Punnet Sqaure

4 Distinct Personality Traits Yield Sixteen Psychological Personality Variants.
Just as we can divide our total physical/non-physical selves into four distinct pieces, many psychologists have classically defined four distinct personality types. One of the more famous people to kick off development of this model of understanding of ourselves was good old Carl Jung. His 1921 dissertation "Psychological Type" is often cited as a landmark piece for organizing human personalities into different categories. Jung's work helped two researchers (Myers and her daughter Myers-Briggs) to develop the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) which is a well-established standard for typing human personalities. You can learn more about this correlation of FOUR to our human personality types by following these links:

http://www.typelogic.com and http://www.personalitypage.com/four-prefs.html

As these web sites demonstrate, since each of the four personality types can take on one of two diametrically-opposed variations (e.g. Thinking or Feeling), there are a total of 16 different variants of how the four dyads can combine. This introduces the concepts of multiplication and square matrices to our discussion of archetypes. However, these introductory web pages are barely sufficient to introduce the rich complexity of integer numbers and the simple operation of addition, that to try to tackle the archetype of multiplication would be too much for these web pages. Such higher-level numerical/mathematical instruction and correlation are part of TREE-O-LIFE.ORG educational services. The other point to highlight from The Personality Page is how a "healthy" personality trait (one of the four quadrants) is described as being a BALANCE between the two opposing possibilities for that quadrant. This harkens back to Page 2, which also discusses keeping dyads in balance. Thus, we see a "system of two" embedded in each of the elements of this "system of four". This is just another example of the nesting of universal knowledge, encoded as our universe which is a system of systems.

The organization known as True Colors (http://www.truecolors.org) helps people and other organizations deal with personality issues by helping everyone explore their own balance of the FOUR personality types. They also have a web site at (http://www.truecolorscareer.com) that you may wish to check out as well.

So here we have seen a strong example within the psychological community that a FOUR FOLD (four element, four layer) MODEL can accurately describe the balance and imbalance of the human personality. We will next discuss some theories of theoretical physics that claim our universe is described as a balance of FOUR physical forces. Are we beginning to see how each integer archetype runs through ALL facets of our existence?

Gravity. Weak. Strong. Electromagnetic. The Four Forces of our Universe.
If there is one thing that contemporary physicists all seem to agree to it is that these four forces are responsible for the total physical effects of what we experience as our universe. Indeed, one of the primary goals of today's theoretical physicists is to try to unify these four forces into a Grand Unified Theory (GUT). There has been some success along these lines with the proposed Electro-Weak Theory, which unifies the Weak force with the Electromagnetic force. This unification then results in a neat triad of forces: Gravity, Strong, and Electro-weak. The next goal of physicists is to condense the Three-Force theory down to a Dyad Theory by somehow combining Gravity with the Strong force (or so it is said). We wish them well in their theoretical endeavors, and we encourage all of our readers to study up on these developments in universal science as they occur.

However, at TREE-O-LIFE.ORG, we are more interested in putting the knowledge of the FOUR FORCES to work for us in our lives of Creation. We wish to teach you how ALL living things operate through the use of these four forces. One of the ways we accomplish this is by discussing and exploring the correlation among the various numerical archetypes of life. For example, in this case of the four universal forces, go back to the Table of Fours and look at how the forces of Gravity, Strong, Weak, and Electromagnetic align with (correlate to) their counterparts in some of the other categories. Specifically, note how the force of Gravity aligns with the Qabalistic World of Action. This alignment represents our physical universe of matter, in that gravity is the force that keeps matter perpetually in motion. Gravity drives the Actions of the planets. Under this same comparison in the table, we see that the forces of the Electromagnetic spectrum are aligned with the World of Emanation. Since electromagnetism manifests itself in emanating waves (electrical currents and magnetic fluxes) from their power source, we see that the correlation is valid. We can further correlate this to the Spiritual level of our Being, or the Plasma State of Matter. By studying the truth in all of these relationships, and observing how these forces play out in our lives, we learn how to operate in a balanced manner across all four levels of our Being.


Mystical & Mythic Beliefs: The Four Elements & Worlds.
The ancient and medieval beliefs of the FOUR ELEMENTS (Earth, Air, Fire, and Water) provide an interesting example of how an ancient belief system completely aligns with our current scientific knowledge about the universe. To examine this fascinating correlation we have placed the entries "Forms of Matter" and "Ancient Elements" together in our Table of Four. However, to recap them here in a more explicit formulation:
EARTH is the SOLID form of Matter.
AIR is the GAS form of Matter.
WATER is the LIQUID form of Matter.
FIRE is the PLASMA form of Matter.

Is it possible that those "Ancients" knew a lot more than we tend to give them credit for? While fire is not a physical manifestation of plasma energy, this equivalency validates our knowledge against ancient knowledge, and vice versa. Now compare this comparison to the four universal forces of Gravity, Weak, Strong, and Electromagnetism. Is it not true that ALL of these archetypes of FOUR express general truths about our how our universe is put together? Our mission of creation here at TREE-O-LIFE.ORG is to reveal these general truths to all who seek to increase their knowledge and personal power.

A Pair of Recipes to Balance & Tantalize Your Taste Buds!
So much has changed in our transformation from a stable trinity to the manifestation of quadrature! However, there is one thing you can count on NOT changing around here, and that is the steady stream of gourmet recipes I provide for your enjoyment and Epicurean satisfaction. The balance and interaction of flavors & textures in any gourmet meal is of paramount importance to the chef, who is attempting to make manifest a pleasurable, yet unique taste experience. Since we are discussing balanced interactions of dyads through manifestations of four on this page, it is appropriate to investigate how two particular gourmet dishes interact with each other to create a balanced dining experience. The two recipes I have selected,
(Lemon Chicken Vermouth and Crab-Stuffed, Twice-Baked Potatoes) both have different textures and flavors that should work well together. Furthermore, one dish is a protein element and the other is a starch element (with protein added!), so they also complement each other from a nutritional balance standpoint. However, I have never actually tried these two dishes together in the same meal! Therefore, I encourage someone to give them a try....drop me an EMAIL and let me know how the two dishes blend.

I am sure those who came to appreciate the concept of triadic balance are going to scream at me "What about a vegetable dish to create the perfect triadic balance between these other two dishes?" Here we encounter another aspect of both the TOL and the adventure we call Life: Both are a process of unfolding....you can't have all the answers all at the same time, because if you did that would take all the fun out of "getting there." However, I happen to have an EXCELLENT asparagus recipe that I know will complement the dishes above quite nicely. But before I offer that recipe to you (probably when I compile the discussion for Page 5), I would encourage you to do a little experimentation on your own! I would love to hear from anyone who came up with their own idea for a vegetable accompaniment to the chicken and potato recipes given above. I'm always looking for a few good veggie recipes!

(4=5) The Five Active Manifestations of Four.

Here we are on familiar ground. Above we illustrate how dyadic elements (· and ®) can combine in 5 different ways to express the different archetypal concepts of 4. As we progress to higher integer numbers these combinations will become more and more complex. As a result, we wish to constantly stress that the "configurations" shown in our diagrams are not dogmatic. In other words, FEEL FREE TO DRAW EACH CONFIGURATION AS YOU WISH, for just as with addition, these drawings are "commutative". It is the combination of elements which makes them unique, not how they are configured. For example, a different way to express the "4=3+1" manifestation shown in (D) might be with the three arrows linked to form a triangle, with the sole point sitting at the center of the triangle. Draw it for yourself.....right now.

As you delve further into the knowledge of archetypes provided by the Tree Of Life, you will come to learn how to identify which "mode" of a particular numerical archetype prevails for any given object or situation in life. The key to learning how to identify which "mode" prevails in any given situation is rooted in being able to identify the various ways that a specific combination can manifest. For example, it is easy to identify our configuration (D) above as descriptive of a set of 3 coordinate axes which indicate the 3 dimensions of space (X, Y, and Z), combined with their point of origin (the Zero point where the axes meet). This configuration also describes a MACROSCOPIC VIEW, for the three axes emanate infinitely in all directions from the POV (0). In contrast, let's consider the alternate view of Mode (D) as we have described above; namely, a closed (cyclic) triangle of 3 arrows with the singular point inside. Study the picture you have drawn of this version of the manifestation. Doesn't this configuration suggest an ENCLOSURE of some sort to your mind? This alternate configuration is, literally, a picture of the POV enclosed within a space of 3 dimensions. Clearly, it is evident that this alternate configuration suggests a MICROSCOPIC VIEW in which the POV is considered as enclosed within the 3-space, whereas the MACROSCOPIC VIEW we show in (D) above illustrates the 3-space as existing external to, and even emanating from, the POV.

You will learn a great deal more about these simple MATTER/MOTION analysis techniques as you climb the Tree Of Life and harvest its fruits. These analysis techniques will help you SEE AND UNDERSTAND ANYTHING FOR WHAT IT IS, NAMELY A BALANCE OF MATTER AND MOTION! But for now, we must move on in our quest to reach PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION in Ten. As we move on to our next sphere on the TOL, we realize that we are halfway to our goal! As a warm-up exercise before we proceed to Five, I would ask you to go back and examine our Five Modes of Four diagram. See if you can come up with a logical (and convincing) argument for assigning each of the 5 human senses (Sight, Hearing, Smell, Touch, and Taste) to ONE of these five configurations of four. If you can, you should be able to breeze through the discussion of Five that follows.

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